<a href="http://galxy.us/axeir"><img src="http://www.galxy.us/badgeImage" alt="Available on Samsung Galaxy Apps" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"></a>
Download for free at the Galaxy App Store!
Introducing our axeir brand watch face design, axeir X. Very sleek and stylistic, you can customize what info is displayed by simple taps to the watch screen! With just a tap show or hide: Battery Level, Digital Clock, Date, Hour Tic Marks. This watch face automatically displays either 12 hour or 24 hour format depending on your phone settings.
<a href="http://galxy.us/axeir"><img src="http://www.galxy.us/badgeImage" alt="Available on Samsung Galaxy Apps" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"></a>